A miscellaneous section with some photos for illustration. First will be some recent photos of Last Dance to show how she looks in recent days.
June 6, 2019, Little Falls, NY on the Erie Canal. Last Dance tied to the town wall is not at her best. The mast and antennas are down to clear the low bridges and fenders are deployed along both sides to protect her in the locks.
June 9, 2019, Last Dance at the dock at Shady Harbor Marina on the Hudson River, just south of Albany. Her mast is back up and the excess fenders have been scrubbed and put aboard.
June 10, 2019, at the dock in Shady Harbor. A different angle than most boat photos, taken from the flybridge on the neighboring boat.
July 14, 2019, at Alligator River Marina in North Carolina. The lighting was not good for this image but the composition with the lighthouse made for a nice shot.
Not a photo of the boat, but of where she takes us - the Waccamaw River in South Carolina, July 23rd. A close look toward the center of the image will reveal a floating red marker indicating the edge of the Intracoastal channel.
On August 5th, 2019, Last Dance docked at Lamb's Yacht Center in Jacksonville, FL, just off the St. Johns River. She is parked in a covered slip awaiting her turn to be pulled from the water for some underwater maintenance. The bottom paint will be refreshed and the Naiad stabilizers will get new seals. Having her in a covered slip made for a much easier job to refresh varnish.